Jerry's Writing Projects

Jerry's Writing Projects

Candlelight Sanctuary Jerry has been a newspaper columnist for many years and has also enjoyed writing for Christian publications, news letters and web sites for over 30 years. His columns are featured in several weekly and daily newspapers, and, also, in many senior publications across the U.S.. As an aerial photographer, his aerial photographs have been displayed in magazines and on many postcards and calendars. One such magazine was, The Vanishing Texas River Cruise. In 2013, he authored and published Acquiring the Benefits of Biblical Wisdom, available on in e-book format. Also, hosted on this domain are Christian weblogs and websites.(see navigation side bar) The newspaper columns lend themselves primarily to life experiences, hobbies, occupations and current events.
Included in the navigation column are links to family history and cemeteries.(genealogy)

The Features column on the right provides off site links, which include newspaper websites that carry the above mentioned columns.

Located at the top of this page is a menu bar pointing to other pages on this website. "Articles in Print" will display a list of articles by this author that have been previously published in newspapers, magazines or books. However, some listed there have not been published elsewhere, but all are copyrighted. The list will be added to as time permits, so, please, continue to check in.