Where is Common Sense?

January 30, 2015

Is there a new definition for common sense? If you have been watching the confirmation hearings on TV lately you have to wonder at some of the statements made by the nominee for Attorney General of the U.S. When I hear such remarks as, undocumented workers, or I would say illegal aliens, have a right to work, too, I think how can that be? If they have no right to be here in the first place, how is the right to work conferred upon them? Has the word illegal lost all of its meaning as well when it comes to this immigration mess? When an American citizen does something illegal, most of the time it results in the loss of his job and his freedom.
On another major point, where is the logic in what we hear about how these illegals participating in the work force will stimulate our economy, because they will work for less money? My thoughts on that matter are, first of all, that is exploiting the circumstances of the illegal alien for our advantage. So, is this a case where two wrongs now make a right? Next, we have so many legal citizens out of work in this country and in many cases homeless, how can more out of work and homeless folks stimulate our economy? They must be fed, clothed and housed at taxpayer expense as well as afforded medical care, and social security benefits.
Like me, most of you are probably trying to get your head around the advantages to our economy and way of life we are told this will contribute. I’m not seeing it. I tend to believe that this population explosion caused by illegals being here has caused severe curtailment of employment opportunities for our citizens. The nonsense that they only take jobs Americans don’t want is pure propaganda aimed at minimizing the impact of their presence.
Of course, common sense should tell us that if five million of these illegals are granted amnesty, work permits, social security cards and free medical services, how they will vote when they become legal to do so. Certainly, they will vote for the party that made it all possible. Now, common sense should also tell us why the opposing party, so called, does not oppose too vigorously. They are afraid to be the party of “no”. That further guarantees more votes for the party of “come on over”. This is a well calculated power grab. Yep, this is common sense at its best!

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