Morning Walks

February 14, 2009

The days are gradually lengthening and the mornings somewhat warmer these days, so, I’ve ventured out for morning walks recently. During the winter months walks are usually taken in the afternoon if at all.

Yesterday, I noticed the sun had climbed higher in the southern sky as it makes its way back to the northern hemisphere. The shadows were shorter on the north side of posts and trees; something I probably would not have readily noticed had I walked more frequently. It sparked an awareness and an appreciation for the continuous cycle of the changing seasons that goes on century after century. So subtle are the changes, that were the dates of the seasonal changes not marked on our calenders, we may not know exactly when they occur.

It is only the middle of February and already dandelion blooms are everywhere in the park. Honey bees are seen busily working these early blossoms in the morning sunshine and the trees are filled with the sound of song birds. The sound of bubbling, rippling water can be heard as the shallow river makes its way over the rocky bed near the road. There are so many sights and sounds to enjoy that the idea of a walk being for the benefit of exercise quickly fades. The walks refresh and inspire. Can one place exercise above these benefits?

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